TLI Research: Erasmus+ comes to Cornwall
The latest Erasmus + Natural Schooling Curriculum Innovation Project transnational event was held at Restormel Wave Academy, St Austell, in December. WeST is heading up this 3-year project, which is now in its final year.
Day 1 started with a warm Cornish welcome to our partners from Spain and Sweden. Guest speaker Ellie Baker, Wave Academy Head of Psychological Health and Wellbeing, delivered training on the physiological changes and mental health and well-being aspects of being in nature, and the benefits of adopting a natural schooling approach. This was followed by a presentation led by Wave partners Tatjana and Emma, who demonstrated how barriers to curriculum innovation (foraging for wild garlic, mint and art using natural materials) within a specialist provision can be managed and overcome with determined staffing and adaptable, reactive planning and delivery. After a delicious Cornish lunch, which included saffron cake, yeast cake and pasties (yum!), the project management meeting focussed on the outputs of the project.
Day 2 took place in the woods used by the Wave Academy, with species identification, mindfulness and ‘soft fascination’ experiences. This was followed by more project management time, where partners were able to work on the outputs back at the teaching base.
Day 3 was a cultural day, hosted by our partners from Restormel Wave Academy. During the day, colleagues from WeST, The Learning Institute and Sweden visited The Lost Gardens of Heligan. In the evening, entertainment was provided by live music with Will Keating at the Smugglers Den, a 16th century inn in Cubert.
For more information about the project, or to join the Natural Schooling RIG, please contact