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The Learning Institute

The Learning Institute

Award winning authors!

Debbie Lambert, Michelle Roberts and Sue Waite, authors of the National Curriculum Outdoors series of books, have been awarded the LOtC Resource Provider Award by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom.

The award recognises organisations that provide products and services which genuinely assist teachers in delivering meaningful and engaging learning outside the classroom; in this particular case, it recognises the excellence of these books and their potential for bringing about real change in learning.

Michelle is the Director of Arena (part of The Learning Institute) and the innovative Wild Tribe programme, which supports leaders and teachers in developing high quality outdoor learning.  Alongside her work as a tutor on The Learning Institute’s foundation degrees, Debbie is a Wild Tribe trainer and has written schemes of work, pupil leadership programmes and the Explorer's intervention programme in her role as Outdoor Learning Consultant. Sue Waite is a former Associate Professor in Outdoor Learning at Plymouth Institute of Education and now holds honorary posts there and at Jönköping University in Sweden. She led Natural Connections - the UK's largest learning in natural environments demonstration project - and has conducted many, many other research projects on outdoor learning.

The books can be purchased from Bloomsbury books.

The National Curriculum Outdoors books