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The Learning Institute

The Learning Institute

Back to School!

Our TLI teacher trainees have had a 'spring in their step' this week as the recommence their training with full classes back in school.  They have been 'busy bees' during 'lockdown' supporting teachers, pupils and parents in a range of innovative ways so as to continue developing their teaching practice, whilst assisting partner schools and their communities at this difficult time.

We are incredibly proud of how our trainees have 'rowed in' as best as they can in their settings.  Some trainees have undertaken more teaching than ever remotely and certainly have 'another string to their bow' to talk about during their job interviews.  We are indebted to our partner schools for their sterling work: finding the best possible opportunities for their trainees based on their circumstances.  Thank you!

We know that our trainees are very excited about putting all of the knowledge, skills and understanding they have developed thus far into action and having a clear run to final assessment.  We wish all our budding teachers the best over the coming weeks.  Go for it!

We are actively recruiting for the next academic year!  If you have a member of staff or colleague who is interested in becoming a teacher, The Learning Institute offers a range of school based teacher training programmes.  Get in touch and see how we could help!